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Business reputation assessment in INTERGAZCERT

Currently, the QMS certification body of ACERT Bureau is recognized as competent for assessing business reputation within the framework of the Central Authority "Management Systems". The scope of activity of the QMS certification body of ACERT Bureau is presented here.

The process of assessing business reputation is described here and in OGN0.RU.0124 document "INTERGAZCERT voluntary certification system. Assessment of business reputation".

If a decision is made to conduct certification, the applicant in the INTERGAZCERT System determines the certification object and fills out the electronic preliminary application form on the website. Further, the Central Authority of the System, within no more than 5 working days, provides the applicant with a complete list of certification bodies, the competence of which is recognized in the System, capable of providing a certification service for the management system in accordance with the declared scope. The applicant submits an application and a full set of application documents to one of the selected certification bodies.

The cost of assessing business reputation depends on the complexity of the work, which is determined in accordance with clause of OGN0.RU.0124 "INTERGAZCERT voluntary certification system. Assessment of business reputation".

When a decision is made by the certification body on the issuance of a certificate of assessment, a certificate of assessment is issued.

The rules for handling complaints and appeals are set out in clause 10 of OGN0.RU.0101 "INTERGAZSERT voluntary certification system. Rules for the functioning of INTERGAZCERT voluntary certification system".

In case of unsatisfactory quality of work of the QMS certification body, the applicant for certification has the right to apply to the QMS certification body of ACERT Bureau, which is obliged to consider and analyze the reasons for applying and develop a corrective action plan to eliminate the reasons for applying. The complaint, appeal form is available here.

In case of disagreement with the decision made, the applicant has the right to apply to the central authority in accordance with the procedure established in clause 8.5.2 of OGN0.RU.0105 "INTERGAZCERT voluntary certification system. Regulation on the Central Authority of the System. "

If the applicant for certification is not satisfied with the decision adopted by the Central Authority, he has the right to appeal to the Coordination Body, which organizes the work on its consideration by the Appeals Commission and the complaint and submits the opinion to the Commission on time. The activity of the Appeals and Complaints Commission is carried out in accordance with OGN0.RU.0108 "INTERGAZCERT voluntary certification system. Regulation on the System Appeals and Complaints Commission".